Amid Rising Calls for a Re-Assessment of its Plans, Facebook is Pushing Ahead with Instagram for Kids (Social Media Today)
Would a separate 'Instagram for Kids' be a good idea, or would it expose youngsters to the dangers of social media, and the broader web, too early - and in Instagram's case in particular, add undue mental pressure, and facilitate cyberbullying, among increasingly younger and more susceptible users?
Clearly, many experts and regulators are leaning towards the latter, with a new call from lawmakers in the US for Facebook to halt its plans for an Instagram for Kids, noting the potential harms and dangers that could be facilitated, and amplified, by such an app. Read more:
Instagram Will Now Let Users Add Pronouns to their Profiles (Mashable)
Instagram has added a dedicated space for pronouns to users' profiles, freeing up some of that precious 150-character bio space for more sparkle emojis. Announced Tuesday, Instagram's new feature allows users to display up to four pronouns in faded text next to their profile name. It's completely optional, so you don't have to add any at all if you don't want to, and you can remove or change them at any time. Read more:
YouTube Announces a $100M Fund to Reward Top YouTube Shorts Creators over 2021-2022 (TechCrunch)
YouTube is giving its TikTok competitor, YouTube Shorts, an injection of cash to help it better compete with rivals. The company today introduced the YouTube Shorts Fund, a $100 million fund that will pay YouTube Shorts creators for their most viewed and most engaging content over the course of 2021 and 2022. Creators can’t apply for the fund to help with content production, however. Instead, YouTube will reach out to creators each month whose videos exceeded certain milestones to reward them for their contributions. Read more: